Saturday, January 11, 2014

Power and Water Saving (Boyerz Tips)

Today. It's another tip one of my most favorite tips that i been using.

I am a eco-friendly lover. I do my very best to go green. in order not to consume too much energy as electricity is used everyday. Most businesses uses tons of electricity than houses. In house they use 40% of Electricity consumption in their bedrooms if you're in a hot country in the south then most likely you will use Air conditioning overnight.

So here's a very good tip. Since all engineers developed better machines that wont use too much electricity. Here's a list of the products that doesn't use much energy

  • LED Flat Screen TV
  • LED Flat Screen Monitor
  • LED Lightbulbs
  • Refrigerators with less energy use. I trust products with Energy Star sticker on it
  • Silent type of Air Conditioning that uses less energy
  • Lastly, Energy Saver you can buy in malls
And do your part to save electricity so you'll end up with some GREAT results. But during the first time using it. It wont do much as long you tried the best not to use too much electricity.

Remember : Always turn off things that are not in use

Then probably one day you'll reach from 5,000 PhP to 1,000 if you can try the best not to use appliances and lights when not in use. Turn them off. At home i'm very strict when it comes to that. Hoping this will guide you all and so you can pay other bills easily.

For Water. The only basic thing is not to use too much water and if you have Shower. Then try not to take long more than 20 mins if hot water.

For barrel in the Philippines to in order to flush the toilet or pour water to the titles. be sure only to fill it up full bucket at Daylight and fill it up again at the Night. If you keep refilling it up when it's half way. Expensive water bill coming at your way!

Happy New Year folks and hopefully this will help you ;)


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