Monday, January 13, 2014

Disrespect of Drivers in the Philippines (Rant)

This only happened in Cebu only. North province area.

There was disrespectful drivers who sometimes don't give way to others. I don't mind jeepney that usually bypass all traffic since my favorite jeepneys do that all the time.

I will make this rant short if i could. In the morning some Motorbike driver saying Move away from the road? Well I'm in the Pedestrian Crossing. Not in the road where jaywalking area cuz there's no Pedestrian Lane. I told the traffic enforcer LITOM (The Lilo-an Traffic Enforcement) to caught this guy for disrespecting me in a way. So from now on i hold my pen instead putting in my bag and i have my pocket notebook.

I will take note of every vehicle's Plate No. and get their bike confiscated by LTO (Land Transportation Office). LTO holds every records of drivers who gets driver's license and license plate. LTO are super strict when it comes to traffic. Most of the Traffic Enforcers loves to catch rulebreaker drivers in terms of "No Stopping Anytime" Only and Trucks that breaks the rule of "No Entry Truck 8am to 7pm" Policy.

On my behalf of writing this letter. You are doing a good job LTO. But you need to pay attention to the Pedestrian Crossing. I know some people won't fight back and tell the cops what happened cuz they have no time for it. And i do because i have to be moody in the morning for something what happened. I hate being serious in the morning when i'm riding my favorite jeep in the morning. It's not my type at all. I want to be happy and jam with the conductor and such. Hopefully you will take action LTO and CITOM. You are my only hope for this year. If you do not notice me. I can always try again and again. And i will do every report i could do to take down notes of the violator's plate number as i could.
And let this be noticed by TOP GEAR PHILIPPINES. To make everyone know how awful some drivers can be disrespectful or taking drugs without the govt notice and our notice if that's a drug addict or not. Have a nice day stupid driver and just shut your mouth next time. Before i will sue you.

Yours Truly,
Pedestrian Crossing Complaint.

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