Thursday, October 29, 2020

Foodpanda Philippines Guide for Customers

 Hello customers!

I am a panda rider serving Cebu for 8 months I've gone through trials and errors that it made me learn and put into practice how I make my deliveries smooth including food/drink handling inside my thermal bag. I made this blog post on how to understand this system pretty well that you can get along with your riders and having a smooth delivery. Here are some details I can help you with.

Common problems with Foodpanda when ordering

  • GPS inaccuracy
  • Setting instructions meant for the vendor (restaurant) but not for the rider (also the opposite)
  • Incomplete order of your favorite item
  • Chatting with the rider but haven't picked up the food yet
  • Instructions for the rider that is old but saved
  • Address for work but uses home instead
  • Cart final review before putting "Place my order"
  • Placing online orders but on the rider app he thought it's COD
  • Special Instruction vs Notes to Driver
  • Online order concerns

Let's get into it on how I can guide you well how I do it.

GPS Inaccuracy

Sometimes the system picks up a different location but not too far from your location. it can be a landmark of what you mentioned. Whatever you input into the address will pick up the nearest location and you can select the pin location to the landmark that you prefer to meet your rider. I understand the GPS on your phone is on but it doesn't take you to your house but someone else's house or neighbors.

On our phones. I think the High Accuracy is set to default on your smartphone but if it's not on yet. You should. You can find it on the android's settings called Location

Some riders may get annoyed with the wrong pin location. As a rider, we follow mostly the pin location due to limited time to make sure that we riders delivered your food hot fresh from the box because delaying it longer without bad weather conditions will get your food cold. Please use "Delivering to: Current Location" so the GPS can pinpoint where you live and easier for the rider to find you

If we noticed some differences in the pin location after we pick up your order. We contact you for verification and that's the time we ask for a landmark that we can search on Google maps/Waze (My rider friends and I use Google Maps preferably because Waze has weird routes. It'll take me far away from the dropoff point) You have to keep your phone lines open so your rider can reach you easily Note: Your driver cannot cancel orders. the dispatchers can cancel orders (our help center for riders) to avoid abuse. This will keep your delivery quicker and on-time for the food to be hot so the rider won't have to go through the trouble to call you while you're busy asking for help and directions.

How can I set my pin location correctly?

I have a video of it. 

If the app still does not pick your GPS location where you at like deliver to -> Current location
then you can use the website since it's more friendly for me. You can move the pin location on the map which is closer to your home. if you are not familiar with your map location on the foodpanda app then you can use Google Maps to get your pin location where you are standing like outside (Note: GPS works better when outdoors compared to indoors) afterwards, you'll familiarize it on the foodpanda app and move the pin location to a better location and it'll be 100% accurate. that's the manual way of doing it

But the automatic way is setting your GPS as High Accuracy. Some riders don't have it set to High Accuracy so the system on your rider app will have difficulty tracking our location and would affect our scorecard for the week and make sure your app says "Delivering to: Current Location" and tap on the current location that the pin location is where you at. It saves you time as well.

Setting instructions meant for the vendor (restaurant) but not for the rider (also the opposite)

To give your notes to the vendor it will be the Special Instructions on the Shopping Cart and the rider is the note to driver part for directions/landmarks/house and gate description

Incomplete order of your favorite item

We have different scenarios about it. This is very common to us riders that the vendor may forget to put the item on their tablet as "unavailable" and this stuff happens. Sometimes the vendor may contact you or if not. The rider will contact dispatch for the disputes so you won't have to pay 200 pesos but instead 150 but we will pay the rest and will be refunded back to us but it is often inconvenient in case we don't bring extra money. What's going to happen is that the dispatch will call the vendor and you next. They speak English since it is their main language and unfortunately it's not the Filipino agents from Manila but from overseas so don't speak Tagalog. Based on my experience. some item is not available but the same price, I won't bother dispatch. I'll rather call you first and inform you before I head to your location.

Chatting with the rider but haven't picked up the food yet

We can only interact with customers after the pickup. Your messages can be sent to us but we can't see it yet even "where are you na kuya?" but it'll pop up to me once the food is in my hands. that's the time I can see your chat. the system will direct me to your chat messages. (Note: Don't reply much for the rider because we riders can't click on your dropoff details. it'll tell us "Reply to the customer before leaving" message so I often reply with emojis or say "I'm here" instead.)

Instructions for the rider that is old but saved

You can modify your "My Addresses" on the app so you can change instructions or leave it blank. But if you wish not to modify your address. You can tell your rider on chat after he picks up the food so he/she can read it before departing. If you forgot to modify it. We can contact dispatch to change the address and have our time extended to your real location. 

Address for work but uses home instead

Addresses matter when you order. Don't get the wrong address because let's say you're in Baguio for a vacation but your address is using your home in Manila. the food choices will get you the Manila choices rather than the Baguio choices but if it's within the same city. Make sure it is correct before you "place your order" it'll confuse the location and we might deliver it that's even far from you and it'll burn our gasoline away into the air. Chances are, the food will get cold in the long run.

Cart final review before putting "Place my order"

Some others tap on an item in the shopping cart and it is registered there but you'll never know that it's part of the order if you access it again later. Your shopping cart is saved if you added it to the cart so please be careful using the shopping cart. Double-check your items before hitting that button because it'll be an awful regretful moment. The restaurant will only prepare the food that you order. You cannot order additional from the items that are not part of the shopping cart. it has to be delivered to you. Make sure no children are present on the shopping cart page. Some kiddos will press the "Place your order" if that happens. Please contact the "Help Center" directly before the restaurant makes it.

Placing online orders but on the rider app he thought it's COD

Normally, I don't like to address online orders but it is hard to deal with but for this guide. If your rider seems confused because I was once confused about online payments and I taught my customers about this as well.

On the rider app. If it's online orders. It just says the order code and number #14 for example. But if it COD. it will say below that "Collect cash from the Customer" text not far from the "dropped off" button.

CoD Example Fig 1 (Censored both of the order code)

Online Order Example Fig 2 (with contactless delivery toggled "on")

Special Instruction vs Notes to Driver

This is important! Using Special instruction will inform the vendor instead of the rider even for written OR so the vendor manager can get to it before the rider's arrival. Thus, saving your time during your busy moments. Note to driver is best for landmark use "Near Sto Nino Chapel. Pink house, Green roof, gate is red with number 103 on it" or putting another number to contact but we still have to chat with you even if you buy food for your friend, partner etc.

Special instructions are also best for 
  • "Please add more ketchup po"
  • "Chicken thigh no wings pls"
  • "Separate food and rice/Separate drinks away from the food"
  • "Wrap more tapes on the drinks that easily spill"
  • "Make sure milk tea is sealed on the top properly"

Online order concerns

Some of you are worried about online purchases. Lemme tell you this here. Foodpanda will refund them for you but you have to take action at the Help Center if your rider does not deliver them to you. Don't report after waiting too long just report immediately after 10 minutes. That way, the Help Center can reach out to the rider if he delivers it or not. I don't have an answer on how to get your refunds back since I always deliver online orders to every customer and no one reported me so I'm very clean. 

As a former call center agent. Fraudulent orders are not my thing but if you did not get your refund. I'm sorry to hear that but guess what? It's not the end of your world. Your rider will be suspended or terminated if he been doing this. Please don't be afraid to report them because they could affect other customers and first-time customers not to come back, therefore, ruining our reputation as an honest rider that some irate customers going to generalize us for making a living. As a rider like me, I value your business entrusting me and the honest riders. We want to keep doing business with you and this job helps me well so why should I not value your business? The pay is very decent and a bit higher than a minimum payment so I never took advantage of foodpanda management. Ever. I don't take advantage of my customers. Ever.

If you guys still trust this delivery app as your best food delivery app then we are happy to serve you but if you dislike foodpanda due to your experiences. I'm in your shoes because I have been scammed before, cheated as well. Been there. Done that. But it does not mean to say I'll take this to other people.

We thank you, customers, for believing in us as your front liners and the management for giving us better pay, partnership with other benefits we can use, and the batch 4 and 5 to get a schedule during special hours, suspending cheaters that are unfair to us and did not get stressed compared to my previous job.

We value your business with us as well. Until we meet on the road!

Ka Panda Brandon. Foodpanda Rider Cebu 🐼

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

App Food & Transportation Service in just 1 tap

Before when smartphones weren't introduced, People were having difficulties to order food although they have telephone service by calling Pizza for example. They have to listen well to what the operator says before they might get the wrong order and if you wanted to book a taxi you have to call them as well and state your address. GPS wasn't well known back in the '90s until now when cab services can pinpoint your location to pick you up on the spot.

With today's technology. Smartphones were a big hit in the market and apps were developed for the Google Play Store and iOS Store. Fastfood chains are slowly developing these apps for their customers for easy delivery. It is simple to install it by going to the app store of your phone, search it, install it and order it right away.

In the Philippines, we have a Grab app. Grab app offers lots of services which are GrabCar, GrabTaxi, GrabFood, and GrabDelivery. Grab is very convenient for most mobile users because it has GPS location as long GPS or Location is turned on the device before booking and the driver will just locate you for pickup. MiCab app offers the same but just taxis that are available and they are usually fully booked. Thanks to technology helping customers and drivers.

For Food Delivery Grab offers mostly within Cebu City only until they will expand more for locations that aren't available for the time being but it is super convenient to order it that comes with a picture on the app so you could see what the food looks like. Imagine you don't have enough time to go outside and eat but then you could order food from a restaurant and eat it at home without your presence at the restaurant. then wait for 30 minutes and the delivery rider will inform you when he arrives. Grab Food has other competitors too such as Foodpanda not all of them are available in different locations in Cebu.

Another game change joined when Grab app has GrabCar and GrabTaxi but Angkas! Angkas is a motorcycle-for-hire app that could beat traffic quickly. All Angkas riders are trained by driving etiquette. It is used by most students to beat the traffic at Cebu City during rush hours. Also, the fare inexpensive compared to taxis and Grabcar. Riding with Angkas will keep you safe and they are not reckless drivers they drive at a normal speed of 40km/h to 60km/h as the max speed as per guidelines.

When Public WiFi will be installed at certain locations. It'll be much easier for customers to book a ride home or to work if they do not have mobile data promo registered on their mobile phones.

Friday, September 5, 2014

33 Year old man jumped EDSA Flyover

Last September, 3, 2014. There was traffic jam at EDSA when a guy was holding unto the rails of the flyover bridge for 15 minutes and decided to jump when police and rescue units arrived. The cause for his death was depression over his wife and family that made the guy attempting to commit suicide.

Netizens have been uploading the video footage on Facebook that makes it viral to Facebook users from a tall building and a close up view of the guy who just jumped from the bridge.

His body was brought to East Avenue Medical Center in Quezon City and the guy’s family is been thinking where to get the money for his medical treatment at the hospital.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Teacher's Day Letter

"I am dedicating this letter to my adviser, i would like to express my feelings to my fellow favorite teacher, in those times we had fun whenever you make us laugh, smile and helps us whenever we are confused. We understand in during class we have to be serious in class that we have to focus in our studies.
We thank you for being part of us and creating those wonderful memories. And one day we will reach our future by achieving our goals in school and work hard teachers you are always there for us and smile always. Happy Teacher's Day."
This was my teacher's day letter published on my old blog post on my Wordpress site on October 3, 2011.

This is around 102 words (for any homework rules for this is only 100 words) You can use this copy and paste it and show it to your teacher! No copyright permission so it's all yours :)


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

In Lusts of Money

On a nice sunny day where Milo was off to school. He is very interested in education and that was his key to success. Milo is a very matured man aged 10 in his elementary years and was inspired by his teachers and classmates. But although he also have trials in his life either. Some of his classmates do not like him apparently because they're jealous of his intelligence in class. While the bullies are wealthy even in a public school they spend a lot of money on soft drinks and junk foods. While Milo saves his money tight even his parents are stingy in terms of money. The parents didn't have a successful life but have never finished college because of money but at least they finished high school.

Upon the class dismisses. Milo was heading out to buy bread for his snacks until the bullies boy picked on him "Eh Milo! Where you do think you're going? You think you're the best in class huh. You have lots of girls with you how come they never want us? Answer us small fry!" he replies "I'm heading out of course and also I'm not into relationships because I'm willing to fight for my future unlike you" then the bullies fight back "What did you say? I'm gonna hit you, don't you ever dare to talk back at us!" But then Milo never took them seriously, despite him being a man he's strong and never surrender to anyone who acts bad even they are older or younger because in his concept he deserves respect, exception for the parents for they are wrong but he never wanted to talk back to his parents he loves them and he believe Papa Jesus can make them change. 

Milo arrives home and said "Pa, Ma. I'm home!" then the mother replies "Oh good timing son, cmon' go wash those plates from our lunch. My back is killing me then i need you to clean the house too" For Milo's mother, she's a lazy slacker but she somehow adores him being smart in class. And suddenly Father arrives from drinking with his friends and Mother was very angry and said "Why the hell did you go? I can't believe you, you spend too much for the drinks, how about the chickens? You won't able to win in a cockfighting event!" he replies "What *****?! Who cares it's my damn money i do what to do with it. Get out and get a job you lazy ass" So all of a sudden, argument comes and Milo gets sad hearing them. Once again he loves his parents he didn't want to join or stop their fight until it gets very violent by the Father getting knife. "MA PA STOP! WHY BE SO VIOLENT. PLEASE STOP" he cried so much and ran out because he gave up to see them fighting for that kind of reason and so the plates are unfinished as well.

Suddenly he went to church and prayed for his parents doings. He asked to forgive them that it was wrong for them to be like this. After a few hours later Milo returned home and his Father went out again to sleep at his friends house and his Mother replied "Are you ok? Why did you ran out like that? Well go on eat your dinner and study" and after that he finished his tasks at home and went to bed. Milo has a separate bedroom so his Parents has their own bedroom too and suddenly Milo went to his Mother's bedroom and She told "What's up? What happened?" then he said "Can i sleep with you? I got a bad dream" she replied "Sus! you're like a very young kid look at you, you're 10 and... well go on sleep with me then" It made his Mother happy that someone is there with her while Father doesn't care about his life and loves to drink with friends.

 On the next day, after Milo's classes end. Someone reported Milo's Mother that the Father is in the police station because he got involved in a fight with someone. Then as Milo and his Mom rushed to the Local Police Station. they were at the Police Chef's desk and talked about what happened. The dad ignored the presence of his family that just arrived to the Police Station and the Chef asked him what happened and Father replied "Well this ****** hit me first because i didn't have the money to pay the money i borrowed him and i keep telling him, later please because i need to come up with the money from my job" then the ones who fought him said "WELL DUDE YOU'RE DUMB AND NOT SMART ENOUGH! you should know it's your fault and i waited for weeks because you promised. I don't trust you anymore i want you to be behind the bars you jerk" Then suddenly the chef ordered the other cops to arrest the Father because he stood up and almost hit that guy again in front of the cops so the Mother came up the Police Chef and said "Is there anything sir i can come up with for his bail?" the Chef said "I hate to say this ma'am but we can't. We received a lot of complaints about this guy, we let him go but he never listened so he's sentenced 5 years in jail until you can pay 300,000 PHP for the bail, and we will reconsider" Then Mother took his son because Mother cannot afford it.

Milo was so traumatized that he lost his concentration at school. He lost his mind that he was unable to study and he went to school unhappy and never smiled for the first time even everyone in school adored his smile. So the bullies thought what happened to him so they try his weakness. "Hey small fry, you seem like a chicken now by your looks!" he replied "Go away..." he answered "Want me to hit you?" Then suddenly Milo had a change of heart and fought back in a violent way and grabbed his t-shirt "DO YOU WANT ME TO KILL YOU?! I HAVE NOTHING ELSE IN MY LIFE ANYMORE. DO YOU CARE?! YOU DON'T!" everyone in his class never recognized him that way but as soon they were called to the Principal's Office and suspended both.

So Milo at home did a lot of house chores and his Mother had to accept the fact that happened. and he overcome his trauma for a few months and returned to school and apologized to everyone that made him a violent kid in his elementary school that's unusual for him to be dark and violent. and the bullies just didn't bother him anymore but never become friends.

After years passed by. He had a nice high school life but then it seem harder cause the Mother doesn't have a job and the Father has been put to cells for years so no money support. Milo worked a little bit during summer vacation to help his mom and some of himself that he can save it for school. It went well and he graduated college. and he have decided in his life what he wanted to be and his mom claims she has a bit of money to support him for college so then he took up Education to be a teacher because he was inspired by his teacher during his elementary years except for high school teachers in public schools they were abusive and made them work hard even they have no money for support.

As his First Year College has begun. Milo's parents broke up after Father's imprisonment for years was finished. and so on Milo seem to wonder why his Mother had a lot of money to support him and thought his Mother can finally move around to get a job to survive. But on a afternoon at 5pm he still stays at his house than staying at the boarding house. He heard some news from his neighbors that his Mother do 2 jobs since she's free from her husband. and the 2 jobs were a G.R.O from a bar and cybersex at a friend's house that she can earn 13,000 pesos a month via Western Union for webcam show. He was disappointed and broke some things in the house and shouted.

Few Years later he has become a teacher in a private school for elementary students. He treat them with care and he gave them advice during their Values subject that "No matter what. Always treasure your parents so they support you. Never think of doing illegal things that may ruin your life, you have a future ahead of you once you finished education, you can have the freedom you want" and true that Milo moved out the house from depression but he still keep in touch with mother and gave her some money so to be sure she'll stop doing lewd acts on the internet again and to repent her sins to the Lord

Milo continued his faith to God even he had a dark past towards his life and never thought of suicide because suicide is not an option. he still supports his mother in the very end because

He still cares for her.

-FIN- and the moral lesson is: sometimes money doesn't make much happiness :)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Boyerz Film Collections 2014

Hi Hello and Wassssup!

I'm going to post here my film collections from school or at home. We were so busy to complete them and with the successful teamwork, we felt great for our short film is ready for submit and who knows what grade do we get upon enrolling for the 1st semester of 2014-2015 Academic Year when we go check our grades at the MIS computer that views our grade on it.

Let's begin with the short film so sit back and enjoy the show!

Sociology class short film
 Director and Writer : Arnel
 Main Casts : Brandon and Joan
 Editor : Brandon

Mass Communication 1 talk show film
 Host/Questionnaires : Flora Jae
 Director & Cameraman : Brandon
 Note : At the credits. "Mae" is typo'd

Skype Family Minecraft Reunion
Description : This is an hour movie that Alex finally restored the old world from 2011 to 2014.
Host : Boyerz Urashima
Guest : Alexander Tsui (Tsuimonster)

Their might be another short film or movies to come so stay tuned! this post will be edited in order not to mix the videos for 2015 into this 2014 post :)


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Life without an owner

Once upon a time,

I arrived at our store from school. And suddenly mom surprised me with a puppy. It's a she and a cute Shih Tzu half Poodle. Just a little baby until then. Mom decided a name for the puppy named Vanessa. She's a happy-go-lucky doggy. no matter how tiring we are from work/school etc. I could never get tired playing this little girl of ours.  We're lucky Vanessa wasn't born before the Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines last November 8th 2013. It would be sad for a dog to be traumatized from it and neither do we.

Vanessa is a dog meant to be to us. Always love to bite my hands and loves to bite my socks whenever i'm wearing them. What makes me happy most is when i arrive at home, she'll jump all over on me with overwhelming joys and bites your hands as usual. And whenever I go bed to use my Laptop, she'll be standing up on the bed and look at me like "Cmon man put me up, i wanna play!" so i did and afterwards she gets wild and willing to play. She has full of energy! LIKE NO TOMORROW. She can only sleep for 4 hours the most and tries to wake up in the middle of the night by licking your face just to play. How adorable

As time comes that my 2nd Semester at school has been ended. I finally get to play with Vanessa more. So i turned off the computer at night and play with her at night since the morning she'll play with other people. She's very friendly indeed she never bark at strangers, despite her being a baby she doesn't fully understand yet that you shouldn't be too friendly with strangers you haven't met until you get to know each other for a long period of time. Any visitors at home and where we take her at Simala, south province in Cebu. A customer from my auntie's store. Vanessa forsake me and mom and went to them to play with them. Silly much Vanessa indeed.

Finally time has come for mom and Vanessa to part. Mom departs to L.A this March. When mom was packing her luggage's. Vanessa can tell that mom is going far away from home that she won't be able to come back. Mom hugged and kissed her a lot until it was time to go. Vanessa is very smart and can tell Mom was leaving the country. We might be unable to bring Vanessa at Mactan Cebu International Airport in case they might go strict on us so we left Vanessa home.

Truly, Vanessa and I are both sad to see her go. If only money grows on trees, we'll be able to live together without going for a thousand miles away.

Adopt a dog, and it's not about the money to adopt a doggy. Some dogs are being killed and tortured for fun. Man's best friend CANNOT be killed cuz it never wanted to KILL you. It LOVES you.
Love one another, never love for favoritism.
