Tuesday, April 8, 2014

In Lusts of Money

On a nice sunny day where Milo was off to school. He is very interested in education and that was his key to success. Milo is a very matured man aged 10 in his elementary years and was inspired by his teachers and classmates. But although he also have trials in his life either. Some of his classmates do not like him apparently because they're jealous of his intelligence in class. While the bullies are wealthy even in a public school they spend a lot of money on soft drinks and junk foods. While Milo saves his money tight even his parents are stingy in terms of money. The parents didn't have a successful life but have never finished college because of money but at least they finished high school.

Upon the class dismisses. Milo was heading out to buy bread for his snacks until the bullies boy picked on him "Eh Milo! Where you do think you're going? You think you're the best in class huh. You have lots of girls with you how come they never want us? Answer us small fry!" he replies "I'm heading out of course and also I'm not into relationships because I'm willing to fight for my future unlike you" then the bullies fight back "What did you say? I'm gonna hit you, don't you ever dare to talk back at us!" But then Milo never took them seriously, despite him being a man he's strong and never surrender to anyone who acts bad even they are older or younger because in his concept he deserves respect, exception for the parents for they are wrong but he never wanted to talk back to his parents he loves them and he believe Papa Jesus can make them change. 

Milo arrives home and said "Pa, Ma. I'm home!" then the mother replies "Oh good timing son, cmon' go wash those plates from our lunch. My back is killing me then i need you to clean the house too" For Milo's mother, she's a lazy slacker but she somehow adores him being smart in class. And suddenly Father arrives from drinking with his friends and Mother was very angry and said "Why the hell did you go? I can't believe you, you spend too much for the drinks, how about the chickens? You won't able to win in a cockfighting event!" he replies "What *****?! Who cares it's my damn money i do what to do with it. Get out and get a job you lazy ass" So all of a sudden, argument comes and Milo gets sad hearing them. Once again he loves his parents he didn't want to join or stop their fight until it gets very violent by the Father getting knife. "MA PA STOP! WHY BE SO VIOLENT. PLEASE STOP" he cried so much and ran out because he gave up to see them fighting for that kind of reason and so the plates are unfinished as well.

Suddenly he went to church and prayed for his parents doings. He asked to forgive them that it was wrong for them to be like this. After a few hours later Milo returned home and his Father went out again to sleep at his friends house and his Mother replied "Are you ok? Why did you ran out like that? Well go on eat your dinner and study" and after that he finished his tasks at home and went to bed. Milo has a separate bedroom so his Parents has their own bedroom too and suddenly Milo went to his Mother's bedroom and She told "What's up? What happened?" then he said "Can i sleep with you? I got a bad dream" she replied "Sus! you're like a very young kid look at you, you're 10 and... well go on sleep with me then" It made his Mother happy that someone is there with her while Father doesn't care about his life and loves to drink with friends.

 On the next day, after Milo's classes end. Someone reported Milo's Mother that the Father is in the police station because he got involved in a fight with someone. Then as Milo and his Mom rushed to the Local Police Station. they were at the Police Chef's desk and talked about what happened. The dad ignored the presence of his family that just arrived to the Police Station and the Chef asked him what happened and Father replied "Well this ****** hit me first because i didn't have the money to pay the money i borrowed him and i keep telling him, later please because i need to come up with the money from my job" then the ones who fought him said "WELL DUDE YOU'RE DUMB AND NOT SMART ENOUGH! you should know it's your fault and i waited for weeks because you promised. I don't trust you anymore i want you to be behind the bars you jerk" Then suddenly the chef ordered the other cops to arrest the Father because he stood up and almost hit that guy again in front of the cops so the Mother came up the Police Chef and said "Is there anything sir i can come up with for his bail?" the Chef said "I hate to say this ma'am but we can't. We received a lot of complaints about this guy, we let him go but he never listened so he's sentenced 5 years in jail until you can pay 300,000 PHP for the bail, and we will reconsider" Then Mother took his son because Mother cannot afford it.

Milo was so traumatized that he lost his concentration at school. He lost his mind that he was unable to study and he went to school unhappy and never smiled for the first time even everyone in school adored his smile. So the bullies thought what happened to him so they try his weakness. "Hey small fry, you seem like a chicken now by your looks!" he replied "Go away..." he answered "Want me to hit you?" Then suddenly Milo had a change of heart and fought back in a violent way and grabbed his t-shirt "DO YOU WANT ME TO KILL YOU?! I HAVE NOTHING ELSE IN MY LIFE ANYMORE. DO YOU CARE?! YOU DON'T!" everyone in his class never recognized him that way but as soon they were called to the Principal's Office and suspended both.

So Milo at home did a lot of house chores and his Mother had to accept the fact that happened. and he overcome his trauma for a few months and returned to school and apologized to everyone that made him a violent kid in his elementary school that's unusual for him to be dark and violent. and the bullies just didn't bother him anymore but never become friends.

After years passed by. He had a nice high school life but then it seem harder cause the Mother doesn't have a job and the Father has been put to cells for years so no money support. Milo worked a little bit during summer vacation to help his mom and some of himself that he can save it for school. It went well and he graduated college. and he have decided in his life what he wanted to be and his mom claims she has a bit of money to support him for college so then he took up Education to be a teacher because he was inspired by his teacher during his elementary years except for high school teachers in public schools they were abusive and made them work hard even they have no money for support.

As his First Year College has begun. Milo's parents broke up after Father's imprisonment for years was finished. and so on Milo seem to wonder why his Mother had a lot of money to support him and thought his Mother can finally move around to get a job to survive. But on a afternoon at 5pm he still stays at his house than staying at the boarding house. He heard some news from his neighbors that his Mother do 2 jobs since she's free from her husband. and the 2 jobs were a G.R.O from a bar and cybersex at a friend's house that she can earn 13,000 pesos a month via Western Union for webcam show. He was disappointed and broke some things in the house and shouted.

Few Years later he has become a teacher in a private school for elementary students. He treat them with care and he gave them advice during their Values subject that "No matter what. Always treasure your parents so they support you. Never think of doing illegal things that may ruin your life, you have a future ahead of you once you finished education, you can have the freedom you want" and true that Milo moved out the house from depression but he still keep in touch with mother and gave her some money so to be sure she'll stop doing lewd acts on the internet again and to repent her sins to the Lord

Milo continued his faith to God even he had a dark past towards his life and never thought of suicide because suicide is not an option. he still supports his mother in the very end because

He still cares for her.

-FIN- and the moral lesson is: sometimes money doesn't make much happiness :)


  1. The plot is good, but you seriously need to work with different verb-forms such as past and presens since you mix them up in a wrong way, but overall the story is very touching and it really shows how hard some of the people have it in this world. I'm not sure if it's common to say "Papa Jesus" in your community, but it sounded very childish, but I'm guessing it was because of the protagonist who was only 10 years old when "he" told us "his" story.

  2. probably in the philippines some say papa jesus. for me i go for jesus still. yea i believe i have grammer issues on this one but as long i put my heart into it c: nice name btw!
