Monday, January 20, 2014

Bethany Ruiz (PangyaFriends Related)

PangyaFriends Members will understand this story very very well :>

Does this girl ring a bell? I'm sure you do.

I knew from the start when i talked to Jordan Gray was trying to apply PYF. for some reason due to short term FB Users. He has to be interviewed by me. Something didn't feel right and it reminds me of someone

In the past times we admins noticed Jay Woof's returning. Since he caused a lot of drama in the late July 2013 and did not come back for so long, I kinda forgot his pictures (i know its not his) with the muscles and tattoos all over his body. So after we found out it's Jay Woof and i warn everyone about it then we had to ban him and i can tell his styles and stuff.

So what makes me think Jordan Gray is Jay Woof?

  • New member approached me too fast. Never went to the other admins
  • When Interviewing him, suddenly doesn't know Roger Rabbit (Bethany Ruiz) the real owner of this picture that Jordan Gray is using.
  • When Jordan Gray deactivated his Facebook, Until Reactivate he didn't add me back and the rest of the admins (This includes Jay Woof and Logan Johnson too in the past)
Jay Woof is too vulnerable, we all must be careful and i can easily catch him since, well just admin stuffs haha!

PS : You don't have to giveup your friendship with Jordan Gray, you can talk and such but whenever he sells EPIN then don't do it. that's the only way to survive his scamming skills if you're worried about trusting issues then dont do transactions with him/her.
It's true Jordan ISNT A FAKE PERSON. but only uses fake picture to hide the pic and pretend to be someone else. i dislike that but as promised. i will NOT do this again and provide me proof if Jordan Gray is not suspicious and it is not Jay Woof/Logan Johnson if you complete these tasks. I will make the public apology. right here right now on PYF. Better PM me and send me in your proof. DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND THIS POST. I'm only telling you to CREDIT the real owner. I never said Jordan Gray is fake that should vanished in this world. Nope i never said that.

^ Let's scratch that out because she turned out to be a hacker as PYF family reports. In case you're seeing this Jay Woof, i'm sure you're still in PYF but didn't make your move, you continue to lurk us but no matter what my family are smarter than you. so therefore, you can always try again and come back to PYF to steal their items but you are more worse than a hacker. you gain friends and trust and turn their back away. 
as Jay Lam always say

It's just a game.
Enjoy life right? there's two option in this world. Get educated or Stay online without getting a job? We can't escape, we have to move and once you get money from your job or commission. Make an effort for yourself alright mate? ;)

So Bethany Ruiz (Roger Rabbit FB page) has finally respond to me and says

Solved Mystery for this case. I won't do anything in my behalf. But give more credit to the picture used by Jordan Gray. remember her name as Bethany Ruiz on FB and in her community called Roger Rabbit.


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